If you’re at all like many of the dental practices and laboratories around the country, you’re either closed down or with greatly reduced hours. I don’t know about you but, frankly, I’m just not used to such idle time!! I’ve been wanting to stay busy, keeping moving forward and catching up on the long-list of cases and projects that I have been wanting to work on! Now the challenge is I ran into an issue that may be challenging with 3D printing on a regular basis – lack of isopropyl alcohol in the stores!

In the run up of COVID-19, many reports of running out of hand sanitizers has resulted in panic buying of other alcohols such as 70%, 91%, and 99% isopropyl alcohol. Why? Many people feel they can make their own sanitizers. A risky proposition but in reality, challenging to craft. How does it affect us, as dentists, technicians, and teams with 3D printing? A challenge finding fresh IPA to replenish our limited reserves!!
In this video, I cover some tips on how to conserve your remaining IPA stock (assuming you have at least have some IPA in your wash stations) and still be able to 3D print.
Interested in learning more about 3D printing and some amazing step-by-step protocols on how to get on the fast track in your offices and laboratories? Check out our amazing step-by-step online course at www.LearnDental3D.com